Squeeze Sparkling Water by Booch
Booch was one of the first successful commercial kombuchas to launch in Ontario.
As the company has grown, the owner has remained true to her original philosophy of staying grounded, being highly collaborative with local partners, and to create a sustainable beverage company.
Aligned with this mission, she noticed that the lemongrass used in the making of kombucha still had a lot of essence left in its leaves after its first pressing.
She decided to create a zero calorie sparkling water product to stretch the lemongrass flavour further, thereby reducing waste.
We underlined the refreshing, bright flavour of the drink with a bold colour palette, and stayed true to the Booch ethos with the typography and graphics.
“...We secured a Western distributor for Squeeze!!! He said that in 15 years of business he’s never seen a water product with lemongrass and was specifically thrilled with the label- he loved the colours, and the banner showcasing that we use ‘upcycled’ ingredients.”